Nutri Clean 14 day detox programme
Our liver does an amazing job of cleansing toxins from our body and from the liver itself, but it was not intended to cope with all the additional toxins we are exposed to in modern life, such as car pollution, pesticides and herbicides, excessive alcohol etc. and sometimes benefits from a good cleanse. At Nutrition for Vitality, we believe a 14-day detox at least annually to be beneficial for clients who are already in reasonably good health. This detox plan is also a great way to give yourself a head start on a new healthier lifestyle by helping you to get rid of bad habits and appreciate how fantastic you can feel with the right nourishment and when your liver is not having to work so hard at ridding your body of so many toxins.
this plan is only available through registered nutrition practitioners
If any of these sound familiar, then the 14-day Nutri Clean might be for you:-
Sluggish digestion
Tiredness and over reliance on caffeine to keep going
Inflammation (e.g aching joints)
Disturbed sleep
Blemished skin
Imbalanced hormones
Excessive weight you are perhaps struggling to shift
What's included?
The Nutri Clean pack with a shopping list, recipes and menu suggestions, supplement protocol
All the supplements you need to carry out the 14-day programme
A toxic exposure questionnaire to assess your progress and differences before and after the programme
A 90-minute initial consultation with a registered Nutritional Therapist to assess your suitability for the programme and talk you through it, explaining in detail what you need to do and when
A further 60 minutes of consultation time over the 2-week period to be taken as you wish e.g. you may like a follow up at the end of the programme or choose to have 2 x 15-minute progress calls to ask any questions you may have and a shorter session at the end.
Email support for the duration of the programme
outcomes from previous clients
Increased energy
Clearer skin
Less pain and inflammation
More balanced hormones
Weight loss
Motivated to stick to a healthier diet and lifestyle