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for clients needing ongoing support, our £220 packages cover a wide range of health conditions and include - 

for new clients

One 90-minute initial consultation to establish your health goals and how best to move you towards them.  This session will include explanation of your initial personalised recommendations.


A personalised initial plan designed just for you to support you to achieve your health goals, including nutrition advice, lifestyle advice, further functional testing recommendations (if appropriate) and supplement recommendations (if appropriate).


Recipe suggestions and supporting handouts.


10% discount on supplement recommendations from the Natural Dispensary.


Two 45 minute follow up consultations to review your progress and talk you through the next stage of your plan.


Two personalised follow up plans sent to you within 2 working days following your consultation including nutritional advice, lifestyle advice, further functional testing recommendations (if appropriate) and supplement recommendations (if appropriate). 

for existing clients

Four 45-minute follow up consultations to review your progress and talk you through the next stage of your plan.


Four personalised follow up plans sent to you within 2 working days following your consultation including nutrition advice, lifestyle advice, further functional testing recommendations (if appropriate) and supplement recommendations (if appropriate). 


Recipe suggestions and supporting handouts.


10% discount on supplement recommendations from the Natural Dispensary.

Please note that the above packages and one-off sessions do not include diagnostic testing.

Any private diagnostic testing recommended would be at addition cost.


We also offer a range of programmes targeted at supporting specific conditions.  Private diagnostic tests are included in programme prices.

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